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By the year 2025, analysts estimate that the world will generate 163 ZB of data annually.

Last year, the United States alone created 2.66 GB of data per minute.

It may be in the form of videos, photographs, and social-media communications or business records such as online transactions, or communications between the many devices linked in the Internet of things. For businesses around the globe, data is their most valuable and, frequently, their biggest challenge. it is not enough to simply capture the data. It needs to be transported over data-center interconnects (DCIs) to the point of use, whether across the data center for business analytics, across town for backup, or served up to end-users as streaming video and social media feeds.

In terms of hardware, data centers operate at a completely different scale from long-haul networks. A central office in a long-haul network might require dozens of transceivers; a hyperscale data center can contain more than 1000. DCIs can be classed as intra-data center between racks in the same building or facilities on the same campus or inter-data center, linking facilities that are geographically separated by as much as 80 km...

Click to read full article: AddOn's Data Center Interconnects White Paper

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