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With healthcare facilities globally experiencing record-breaking pandemic-led demand for services, delivering fast and accurate care has become paramount. Fortunately, digitalizing patient and treatment records has minimized patient wait times and maximized treatment efficiency without degrading quality of care.

But for many hospitals, their outdated or insufficient connectivity hardware has remained a pain point.

Analyzing network capabilities to eliminate these problem areas has led decision makers to recognize overspending on underperforming OEM transceivers connecting the IT systems they rely on. In many cases, optical components from major OEM vendors like Cisco or HP led to higher costs even than the computers, servers, and storage devices themselves.

Even so, the need for high power fiber transceivers to communicate securely, reliably, and quickly cannot be ignored.

Working with a provider like AddOn who offers plug-and-play connectivity solutions with equivalent interoperability, full feature compatible coding, and performance at a fraction of the OEM prices can relieve these overworked systems while avoiding CAPEX overages. For example, many of our 25G, 40G, and 100G transceivers are backwards compatible with lower rate optics, allowing deferment in upgrading one side of a link when budget constraints are a concern, but still providing immediate relief.

Here are our top solutions we recommend for the five critical healthcare network-supported systems:

Solutions for five critical healthcare network-supported systems

1. Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

    EMRs are records of patients’ healthcare status, history, diagnoses, and assigned treatment. Ensuring doctors and nurses have 24/7/365 access to EMRs is essential to effective and safe evidence-based care.

    Recommended Upgrades:

    2. Health Information Exchanges (HIE)

      With the cooperation of primary care and referred specialists, care is rarely administered alone in the modern ecosystem. The successful digital exchange of EMRs in a secure but accessible manner between facilities enhances and expedites successful prognosis and treatment, no matter where the patient is seen.

      Recommended Upgrades:

      3. Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO)

        Documenting treatment outcomes improves speed and accuracy of future diagnoses/treatments for providers, as well as enables more complete care to current patients. A strong data pipeline provides 24/7/365 availability for patient reporting, resulting in better clinical, data-driven efficiency assessments.

        Recommended Upgrades:

        4. Activity Based Costing (ABC)

          While quality of care and favorable patient outcomes are priority, accurately recording and communicating cost by activity is equally important to successful healthcare facility operation. A reliable high speed transport network ensures cost and margin calculations are accurately data-driven.

          Recommended Upgrades:

          5. Enterprise Data Warehousing (EDW)

            All of the above systems involve the exchange of data from the hospitals and medical offices to server farms or mass storage facilities securely housing these records. Housing centrally has major operational and ROI advantages, however, a robust network is needed to support all needed interconnects.

            While local access network upgrades are important for local data transmission, the transport network connecting the access site to the data storage must also maintain high speed and reliability.

            Recommended Upgrades:

            Arm your healthcare providers with the latest tech and info in their battle for wellness.

            Contact us to master your healthcare provider fiber network today.

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