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A new & changing landscape in university networks

Universities are adjusting to the influx of e-learning and tele-education in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are complex and varying digital infrastructure components that need to function properly to support the day-to-day operations of a university, from enrollment, to payment, to online coursework, to library and databases, research, web applications for learning, and more.

In previous articles, we have shared how our ‘new normal’ is impacting other verticals and adding pressure to internet and bandwidth requirements. For example, service providers are re-evaluating their IT infrastructures and upgrading to scale as the world’s internet bandwidth is pushed to the brink. Similarly, universities are adapting to shifts in the following scenarios.

Upstream connections


Operational intelligence

Addressing questions & finding solutions

AddOn is currently working with universities to help solve their questions and challenges. Here are a few of the recent questions we have heard from universities along with our recommendations.

How can we create state-of-the-art networks for our future needs? Many large universities use 100G and 200G DWDM networks, with 100G drops. They are also moving to 400G at the core to 100G at each building. AddOn transceivers range from 1G to 400G as well as our direct attach cables (DACs) and active optical cables (AOCs). We also have a variety of multi-code options, media converters, fiber patch cables, and accessories to support your growth and infrastructure transitions.

How can we save money without sacrificing quality? AddOn third-party compatibles are a phenomenal alternative to OEM devices without sacrificing quality. Our quality commitment is demonstrated through our Data Traveler System™. With a less than .02% failure rate, we can be trusted more so than any other compatible vendor.

How can we support an environment with multiple platforms and vendors? AddOn offers multi-code solutions to address your interoperability challenges. Network deployments often mix switches, servers, load balancers, or storage appliances from multiple OEM vendors. We multi-code DAC and AOC options to address the challenge of network interoperability by providing cables that are compatible with multiple OEMs.

Whether you are working on a campus network upgrade or other IT infrastructure projects, you should be aware of the evolving connectivity demands and challenges.

AddOn provides expert advice and the right solutions no matter your project size or complexity. Contact us today!

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