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What are Passive Multiplexers?

Passive CWDM and DWDM multiplexers, also referred to as multiplexers and demultiplexers, fit seamlessly into your fiber cable management infrastructure. They don't require power and connect using passive fiber optic patch cables. WDMs are a cost-effective solution, as it expands your networks' capacity without the added cost of laying more fiber.

So, what are CWDM and DWDM passive multiplexers?

Watch the full explanation on the AddOn Networks channel.

The Breakdown

A multiplexer (mux) combines multiple analog and digital optical signals into one medium, this saves space when sources are limited. On the other hand, demultiplexers (demux) takes the multiplexed optical analog and digital signals, and extracts them into its separate components by the receiver.

There are three typical types of WDM applications that allow for mux and demux: point-to-point, single fiber muxes, and multipoint optical add-drop mux (OADM).

A point-to-point application can combine 4 or more channels onto a single fiber pair, with mux and demux at the end of each connection. Similarly, a single fiber mux is also used for point-to-point applications, but they can connect standard duplex transceivers over a single fiber. Lastly, a multipoint optical add-drop mux (OADM) can filter up to four WDM wavelengths off a single WDM link, which makes them accessible to a switch at the drop point. This application is a quality solution that ensures a network to be connected, even if one link goes down.

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If you are looking for expertly coded and cost-efficient WDM systems, make sure to check out our website catalog or contact us today.

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