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We are privileged to have the industry's most knowledgeable experts working within our team.

QSFP28 100G DCO: The First Third-Party Coherent Optic for Seamless 100G DWDM Upgrades


800G Power: Two 400G Interfaces, One Port

800G OSFP 2xFR4

Unleash AI Power with Cutting-Edge Transceiver Technology: 400G OSFP-RHS SR4 and 800G OSFP 2xSR4

400G OSFP-RHS SR4 & 800G OSFP 2xSR4

800G OSFP DACs: Performance Without Limits

800G OSFP Passive DAC

Unlock the Power of 100G Connectivity with the QSFP28 100G ZR4 Lite Bidi

QSFP28 100G ZR4 Lite Bidi

Direct Attach Cables for High-Performance AI and ML Clusters

AddOn delivers reliable, high-speed connectivity with our Active & Passive DACs…

How We Test Our Cutting-Edge Compatible Components

Ensuring the reliability of networks is an operator’s top priority. This is why the testing and verification of the fiber optical components for any infrastructure project is critical. Even a single damaged or suboptimal component can negatively impact an entire operation. This is especially true for cutting-edge optics—critical components must perform perfectly.

Achieve 400G Connectivity with the QSFP112 DR4


100G over single fiber is finally here with the new QSFP28 100G Bidi product family

QSFP28 100G Bidi transceiver family

Increase Density and Reduce Power with DSFP 100G AOCs


Keeping up with AI Bandwidth Demands

In recent years, data centers have undergone rapid transformation, driven…

Introducing the Intelligent SFP Product Line: TSOP and SFP+ Transceivers

Our innovative Intelligent SFP product line features the new TSOP…

Optimize Data Center Aggregation with AddOn's QSFP-DD to Dual QSFP56 AOC

QSFP-DD 400G to 2x QSFP56 200G AOC

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